

Now Mentoring: Advice for a new student

It's the beginning of semester at Presidio Graduate School, which means a new batch of fresh minds.  I remember well my excitement on my first day at Presidio.  I cannot believe it has already been two dramatic and lifechanging years for me.  Here are a few things that are useful to know up front:
1. Experience it to the fullest.  You get what you put into it.  Budget time to attend the social events, spend time interacting with the students, and go on ski trips with Presidio.  As with any school experience, by the time you graduate, it's who you know, not what you know.  So budget your time accordingly.
2. Spend time to reflect.  Expect to grow not just intellectually, but also as a person.  The questions that we grapple with at Presidio are borderline philosophical.  Spend the time to reflect, be philosophical, and get to know yourself all over again.  It will be life-changing.
3. Chill out, and roll with the drama.  Presidio is a young school and quite dramatic at times.  This can be distracting.  Learn to laugh about it.  Remember the passion and positive intention of the Presidio community, and use that energy to find common ground.  If you are politically inclined, use this opportunity to involve yourself in student government.
4. Start something.  One benefit of a new school is that you carve your own path.  Presidio is not for the lack of courage.  Leverage this friendly community to test drive something, anything. Every club or function at Presidio was started by a passionate individual who just said "I'm doing it."  Get involved, get active and get your hands dirty.
5. Go part time in semester 3.  I took semester 3 full time, and there are certainly benefits to this.  But if school is not your only gig, take semester 3 part time because the classes are top notch, and you wouldn't want to rush through it.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

If you are a new student and have specific questions, add a comment or send me an email.  I'll respond with a post.  I will keep it annonymous unless you request otherwise.